A custom orthotic is a biomechanical device used to treat foot disfunction. Orthotics allow for the ground reaction force on the foot to be transferred to the orthotic which can alter these forces. The alter in forces is best determined with the assessment of the biomechanical function of the foot, enabling the orthotics to be tailored to your needs. The custom designed orthotics can alleviate discomforts and pain due to conditions such as, but not limited to, flat foot, bone spurs, bunions, sports injuries, etc. 

At the Foster Foot Care Clinic, a 3D scan of your foot will be done using a skin rendering program to accurately model the contours of your foot which is then created into an orthotic. 

Overtime, diabetes can cause nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) which can cause pain, tingling and numbness in the feet, possibly prevent someone from knowing that there is damage to their foot. Diabetes can also decrease the amount of blood flow to the foot which affects the body’s ability to fight infection and heal wounds. Routine nail and foot care is therefore essential to avoiding more serious complications. 

Plantar warts typically present on the sole of the foot in areas of higher pressure, causing them to flatten and callus. They are caused by the Human Papillomavirus entering the body through small cuts or weak spots on the bottom of your foot. Warts commonly appear as hardened skin over areas of black dots which are small, clotted blood vessels. 

Plantar warts may resolve on their own without treatment or by using self-care treatment. Professional removal should be sought if the wart is bleeding, self-care treatment has not cleared the area, there is discomfort to the area, or if you have diabetes and/or poor circulation. 

Preventing plantar warts can be done by wearing shoes in public showers and changerooms and also by proper washing and drying of the feet. 

Calluses are hardened or thickened skin in areas of which form due to friction and pressure. These often occur in weightbearing areas of the foot due to improper foot mechanics. 
Corns are very similar to calluses, being hardened skin created by friction or pressure. Treatment and prevention is similar to that of calluses.

Calluses and corns can be treated through painless debridement and prevented by ensuring proper footwear is worn.

An ingrown toenail is a result of the corner or side of the toenail growing into the soft tissue of the skin. This is commonly caused by poor trimming, different nail shapes or improper footwear. Left untreated, this can cause an infection in the area. 

Treating ingrown toenails may consist of routine nail care every few weeks to ensure proper length and shape. For those looking for a more permanent solution, surgery of the affected area is also an option. 

To prevent ingrown toenails avoid cutting nails too short, cut them straight across and ensure use of proper footwear. 

Compression stockings apply pressure to lower legs to help maintain blood flow, reducing discomfort, swelling and lowering your chances of circulation problems. The gentle pressure promotes the blood to flow from the legs to the heart.

Who uses compression stockings? Just to name a few:

  • Those with circulation problems
  • Those that sit or stand for prolonged periods of time
  • Pregnant women
  • Those that have a hard time moving their legs
  • Athletes

Ulcers are open sores on the foot which can be superficial or deep which look like a red crater in the skin. People with diabetes or poor circulation are more likely to develop ulcers which should be quickly addressed to avoid infection. 

Ulcers and wounds can be treated by debriding, dressing, offloading, and antibiotics if necessary. 

Ulcers can be prevented by wearing proper footwear, washing and thoroughly drying the feet (especially between the toes), checking feet on a regular basis, and treating corns and calluses promptly. 

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